
Officially Set Apart as Missionaries in the Vina del Mar Mission, Chile

Well today has been an emotional day for the Blog writer.  Seth and I decided to fast and fasting always seems to bring a spirit of greater sensitivity.  We had our Stake Conference today,  and it was so nice.  All the speakers gave such meaningful and spirit filled remarks.  Dad and I feasted from the table of many wonderful people's experiences and life's lessons learned.  We came away so uplifted,   We sat by a wonderful couple from our Ward,  The Packs.  They told us of the recent miraculous events surrounding the illness of a 2 month old grand son that was hospitalized for RSV.  Apparently he was at the point of death when the family and extended family began praying and fasting for him.  Within 24 hours he was showing signs of improvement and is now home with family.  They expressed the heartfelt gratitude of grand parents who knew that God had been involved with their lives and that their grand son had been spared.  Upon leaving to go home. They wished us well and told us they had already begun to pray for us and would continue to do so.  What a blessing to be members of this Church.
When our Bishop and Stake President arrived we felt so grateful to have them.  Under the direction of Seth,  the father of our home we sang the first verse of "I know that My Redeemer Lives."   Then Seth gave a very beautiful prayer setting the tone for our time with President Barfuss and Bishop Seargent.  Then each person shared a few remarks before President Barfuss gave us our blessings.  I was very much impressed with the love that was shown and expressed by our leaders.  It was good to have our dear Bishop in our home and feel of his love for us and appreciation in our music callings.  Bishop Barfuss mentioned the miracle of us being in this position to go, after passing through the financial downturns that had been a part of our learning and tutoring experiences over the last few years.  He had been our Bishop at the time and he had prayed for us.  The Lord now had made it possible for us to serve together as missionaries... and to be able to go to Chile.
The great impressions that came upon us both as we received our blessings was the powerful endowment and mantle of the endowment  that came to us from our Priesthood leader, holding the power and authority of the Priesthood keys which had been conferred upon him by the general authorities.  He spoke as moved upon by the Holy Ghost and shared so many beautiful blessings that it is impossible to remember them all.  I will enumerate a few:   He blessed me with good health,  with the power to call down the influence of the Holy Ghost upon those we teach.  He blessed me that I would fulfill promises made to people I had known before coming to this earth.  He blessed me to be patient and kind with my spouse and that our love and unity would grow.  He spoke of our faith growing and our awareness of God's love growing in our lives.  He blessed Seth with the ability to learn the language,  with the power to share his testimony with greater power and conviction.  He blessed him to be aware of our health and taking care to use wisdom and good judgement.  He spoke of patience and hard work tempered with wisdom. He also blessed Seth with an awareness of the sacred responsibility and privilege it is to carry the name of the Savior and to be a witness of Him.    We felt so blessed that for me at least the tears were flowing freely.
Afterwards,  with all the emotion I felt,  I forgot to take a picture with our leaders.  Wish I wouldn't have done that.  (groan)
Mom had made us a yummy beef stew and some rolls, with cinnamon rolls for dessert.  She was so kind to do that for us.  How sweet she is.  We will greatly miss her.
We finished off the evening with skyping our children and seeing our little ones.  We love you all and will miss you.... but tomorrow we begin the first leg of our journey at the MTC.
Mom, Dad, Me and James.....

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