
Stopping to Smell the Roses

Well today I could relate all of the wonderful experiences we are having as we participate in Zone Conferences throughout the mission but we still have another week to go so I think I will gather all of the 2 weeks together and share this adventure with you then. For today, I just want to talk from the heart a little bit.
We have been here for 1 month now. The time has flown. We are busy. We are challenged and we are happy. A lot of learning experiences have been compressed in a short amount of time. If it were not for the many experiences in life that we have already had, maybe we wouldn't know how to handle the pressure we have experienced. But at least for me,  I have tried to let go and let God help me as much as possible. I stop to Thank and see all the beauty around me. I consciously try to relax and breathe deeply and think " this is where I'm supposed to be right now, all is well."   I keep my eyes on the Lord and His power and try to believe that He can and will bless me with greater strength and power to do, to learn and to accomplish.  In all of this there is truly beauty all around. One thing that has opened up for me to a greater degree is a deeper appreciation for the accomplishments of others. Watching the success and efforts of our missionaries has brought great joy to me.  Watching my husband progress in the language makes me very happy and seeing the strength and leadership of our mission president and his wife has been so rewarding. I thank the Lord for their devotion to this Gospel and their gifts and talents they share so willingly. We are so blessed. 
Sharing the message of this glorious Gospel in our limited Espanol and striving so hard to communicate, has brought a deep awareness of God's ability to work through the weak and simple to bring about His work.  How humbling for us.
And so here I share a display of the beautiful flowers I see daily. All of these things and more invite me to Stop and give Thanks and recognize Gods abundant blessings in my life  May the joy we experience in our lives through the Gospel be a journey of smelling the roses along our way.
Most all of the homes here have similar gates..se llama reja
They have lots of hydrangias here.
The homes are so colorful, and the flowers against them are so beautiful

Thought the green flowers were such a pretty addition

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  1. Hi Debbie, I think and pray for you everyday my sweet friend. The pics of roses are so beautiful ❤️

  2. I just love the flowers here. They grow so naturally. You are so dear. Thank you for your prayers


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