
So Blessed!


Catching up a bit. It seems like I'm falling behind here each week as the plot of our mission thickens and we become more involved with people. Missionaries, Ward members, and of course investigators, Drs, Paola, (my link with the clinic) and now I have a hair dresser,(Kathy) .  We love everyone here and so far have not found anyone that we have a problem with. We haven't had to deal with tomatoes, cars running us down or anything of the sort. We are just happy, what can we say. 
The pictures below are of Elder Esquivia and Elder Conpazano who returned home last week. They both were a huge help to Elder Poulsen in his calling as Pensionero. We will miss them. The other day I saw Seth listening to a tape of Elder Esquvias voice helping him to remember how to fill out a form. What a blessing they have been and are to us. We took them both to dinner Saturday evening before they left the following Monday. 

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  1. thank you for the pics! My son is Elder Henderson and I have been worried about him since Elder Evans accident. So good to see the two of them.

  2. Thank you so much for the picture of my sweet Elder Evans! I have only see the before pictures and I have been waiting for an after picture. Thank you so much for taking good care of him!


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