
On The Street Where We Live


We live in a big apartment building called Edificio Sporting on the crossroads of 7 Norte and 7 Oriente. Taking the elevator up 17 floors and turning to the right you come to the residence directly in front of you 1702 of Elder and Hermana Poulsen. That's our humble abode at present 
So thought maybe you would all be interested in seeing where we live and what our apartment looks like. We are actually very content with our apartment and grateful to have it. We have 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms so it is perfect in that we can sleep in the ame room but we have 2 closets for our stuff, and 2 bathrooms so we don't get in each other's way.  Perfect. We are so tired by the end of the day so I fall asleep quickly before Seth starts to snore.  
Our kitchen is narrow and perfect for saving steps and being efficient. I absolutely love my clothes line in kitchen and the freestanding one we put up on Saturdays. Another favorite thing is our our little hanger for our silverware. So easy!  Love how the tools are lined up along the wall above the sink and near the stove. All you have to do to get your pots and pans is turn around and face another direction and you've got whatever else you need. So so easy and efficient.  Hey and this week I made our first batch of cookies. I called them our guess and by golly cookis because I had no measuring spoons or cups. They turned out great! 
The living room and kitchen join. We've got a TV that doesn't work but we'd love to get it working to show Church Videos on our Monday Night Home Evening. Any suggestions. It doesn't show a picture. Sound but no picture. Our table fits 8 people. 
Our bedroom is comfy and we have plenty of storage to put our books ( church materials and Spanish books). We are on the 17th floor and our view is gorgeous. 
This week we travel with the President to do zone conferences so a new adventure comes our way. We will see more of Chile and visit with some great Elders and Hermanas. It's great here. We are happy, content and working hard. Elder and Hermana Poulsen 

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  1. I like the place. It looks clean and roomy enough for the two of you.

  2. That's a great apartment Debbie! Cozy.

  3. Audrey and Carolyn. Yes it's great and it's much easier to clean.


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