
Where to Begin

Have you ever had so much happen in such a small time frame that you didn't know how to keep track of it all?  Well that is what is happening here with us.  The past two weeks we have participated in zone conferences and so we have traveled, seen new places, met all the missionaries in the whole mission, kept up with our work, and met new people to teach the Gospel to.
Seth and I both are learning how to use Powerpoint, and how to give 15 minute presentations that not only teach a concept in regards to our area of work, but provide a little diversion and entertain the missionaries at the same time.  We do a lot of thinking on our feet, and working hard to get it all done.  
We met three beautiful young women this week to teach the Gospel. It started with a reference from a member of our Ward. The name we received was Belgica Lira. We didn't know much about her but we had her phone number and address. So we gave her a call and set our time to see her for Thursday the 19th of March at 8:00 pm. We went over there and she wasn't there but 2 of her roommates were there so we began to visit with them.. Come to find out, Belgica was thinking she was receiving English classes from us.  Well, we rolled with it.  Finally Belgica arrived and we suggested that her two roommates join us.  They seemed more than willing to do so, so here we go with English class.  As we proceed we ask them if they would like to learn more about God and His Plan of Happiness.  They said yes, so afterward we learned about them and where they were in their spiritual perceptions.  We had a great time and enjoyed talking with them. We set a time to return and teach them. We are very excited. 
We have met two other young men going to school here from Bolivia. They have a wonderful spirit about them.  We have given them a Book of Mormon and are working on getting an appt.  they are very busy right now with exams and so they put us off for awhile but we feel confident that we will be able to teach them too. 
Barbara had her baby. A little girl.  She looks like her Dad. We were able to stop by and see her only for a short time, as we were so busy with Conferences and everything that we couldn't stay long.
Dad and I speak in Church this coming Sunday.  New missionaries are coming, and others are leaving. So much going on. My calling as the Health. Coordinator  keeps me very busy and so we are racing to keep up 
We finally ate out in a really nice place and loved the food.
I had my hair cut, and before I could say Stop!  My hair was hacked off.  And besides at present I don't have a blow dryer because I left my converter in Ovalle.  So I'm learning to roll with the flow.
Another thing that happened amidst all of this,  one of our Hermanas was hit by a car, so I was at the hospital awaiting her as they came in from other parts to Vina del Mar.  She was watched over by a divine hand and her life was preserved. She came out of an experience where she was on top of the hood of a car, fell off and landed on the street, and came away with only a few minor scrapes.  I think it was nothing short of a miracle.  
Well as you can see.  It has been fast a furious, but we are enjoying the ride.
Where we stayed in La Serena
I just love these gates and the flowers.
The Assistents,  Elder Bagorquez and Elder Brown
The Anniversary of President Kahnlein and Hermana Kahnlein
Best Cheesecake I've tasted.... ever
Our District
Barbarra Lambarri and her new little girl
Dad and his presentation

Me and My presentations,  with my short hair. 

Hermana Cluff our Mission Nurse
The Hotel where we stayed in Ovalle
Former Mission President and wife stopped by one day..
Beautiful Hermanas
More beautiful Hermanas.  I've been working with these two concerning their health.
Our own Prince of Bel Aire
Lighthouse in La Serena

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  1. You two are being blessed with some amazing experiences. There are so many, it seems like you're living 4 different lives. Fortunately, all those experiences make for some interesting stories and we're the lucky benefactors.

    Tell Barbara Felicidades on her new baby girl. Is that her first?

    I'm excited to hear more about Belgica, her roommates and their English lessons. The English lessons are another skill benefit:) IF those don't work out you can always offer all of them Music Lessons.

    It was nice chatting with you and Dad tonight, even if it was for a brief moment. You two are looking good.


  2. I'm with Audrey give them all music lessons.

  3. I'm with Audrey give them all music lessons.


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