
Our Wonderful MTC Experience


MONDAY:   Elder and Sister Poulsen have had a wonderful day at the MTC..   Dad says he has really benefited from seeing the Church Missionary program here run so smoothly,  organized so well,  people to greet us at every turn.  No way to make a mis-step in this place.  They make sure you are in the right place at the right time.  The Presidency of the mission has only been in place for 2 weeks.  They are full of excitement and enthusiasm.  Their approach with the Senior couples has been on one hand very spiritually directed but with a flair for humor and coming across very laid back.  It seems much more relaxed and casual than it was when we were on our first missions.  We have already met some wonderful couples going in all kinds of directions.  We ate dinner tonight with the Hansens and the Clarks.  The Hansens will be going to the Phillipines while the Clarks will be serving in Santiago Chile.  This morning we got to know the Youngs; a wonderful senior couple from Idaho.  She told me of her conversion story and it was beautiful.  We have met the Nelsons who will be serving in the Amazon of Peru and the Lyons who will be going to Thailand.  It seems so crazy that we will spend only a week here with these good people and then we will be shipped out to our various areas of service.  What a great plan that God has in motion to bring about His great and marvelous works. 

WEDNESDAY:  I have been a  bit under the weather with a very bad and obnoxious  cold,  but plan on getting to bed very early and hopefully feel much better tomorrow. This has been a roller coaster ride of wonderful experiences; learning amazing new insights, meeting amazing and exceptional people.  We have learned that Preach My Gospel is a great and marvelous resource for all members of this great Church, but a casual read through will not allow you to learn its depth. Here in the MTC they are trying to help us glean much more from its pages. The fellow Senior Couples we Are meeting are some of the best people you could ever meet. They are loving, kind , humble and anxious to learn. They have been very thoughtful of me and my constant blowing and coughing. I have prayed they won't get sick as they have  prayed I will recover soon.

SUNDAY : The week went by exceptionally fast.  We are already now back home and my cold that I thought was done, snuck it's head back into my life and insisted I stay down for 2 days.  Needless to say, packing has been difficult and going to Church today impossible.  Tomorrow is our big day.  I pray that my body will be sustained and that I will wake up feeling better than ever.

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