
English Class


Here we are with Brother and Sister Hidalgo, Monica and Juan. Elder Poulsen is the teacher. 
When we arrived here in Chile, the English teacher was Elder Cluff.  He left this area as we moved in and so there was an English Teacher vacancy.  I didn't want to deal with it, thinking it a distraction to the work.  I think Seth thought... "well it's something I can do since I can't speak that well in espanol right now."  So he took over the class and it has been such a blessing for us.  Our usual visitors are Juan, Monica and Roxanna; all three non-members.  Seth is using the Book of Mormon in English to help teach the class. They keep coming so it must be working.  We sure love them.  A couple of weeks ago Brother and Sister Hidalgo began attending.  They are very fun people.  

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