So Much to Learn. So much to See. And So Much to Do

It's been only 12 days since we entered Chile and yet it seems like we are experiencing life at Warp Speed  So much has happened in such a short time. Dad has closed 2 pensions this week , which means meeting with the dueno, filling out  paper work, loading up everything that belongs to the mission and fixing anything that needs repairs. That has taken a lot of time and man power. Elder Esquivia whom you saw in our last pics is his big helper. He is a great person and we are sad that he will be going home soon. In addition to that Dad gave a 10 minute Training to the District leaders on Friday and did a great job.
I was given the opportunity to accompany one of our sisters to the hospital, visiting with the Dr, learning what her treatment would need to be and learning the procedures of what to do with receipts and prescriptions  I also learned how to make e- med logs in the medical records for the Church.  And as the Coordinadora de Salud I also provided a 10 minute Capacitacion ( training) for the District Leaders. 
It all came together. Elder Poulsen was blessed to have Elder Esquivia provide a power point presentation for him so it was an easy pointing exercise with the words already written in Spanish on the screen.  Of course he created a little interaction when he pointed to the District Leaders and had them read some of the scriptures. Dad really added some fun role play by throwing cut up paper on the floor so companions working together could sweep it up. It was a hit 
Mine was a little more relaxed. I shared a Breathing Exercise with them to help them learn how to release stress and relax. It really worked you should have seen everyone participate. They looked like they had gone to Neverland. 
I walked into town by myself to pick up Prescriptions. Seth gave a great prayer in Espanol tonight in our first discussion with a girl named Roxanna. I got chewed out by Elder Brown for not having my phone on me  We both had our first ride on a Micro together, and we made quite a scene on a very busy street as we loaded probably 15 bags of grocerys and 3 big jugs of water into the back of a Taxi, all the while Micros and cars dodging us a todos lados. 
So as you can see; everything is Fast Start here. We are trying to make every minute count. But we are grateful for the great opportunity we have to grow even though we feel like our challenges are sometimes beyond us. We are hanging on for a wonderful ride.
The view outside our 17th story window.  They often put on Music Concerts here.  Very Loud!!!
Our Clothesline

Beautiful flowers at a home nearby

Common mode of transportation... the micro

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