
Skyping President Kahnlein

Presidente Kahnlein y Hermana 
On January the 10th,  Seth and I had the wonderful blessing of being able to see and talk with our Mission President in Chile for the first time.  We got up that Saturday morning and dressed in missionary attire to meet our mission leader.  When he came up on the computer it was such a beautiful sight.  We both knew by the countenance he radiated that he was a servant of the Lord and carried the mantle of his stewardship in accordance with the Spirit.   He visited with us about the likelihood of serving in various capacities.  Addressing me he wanted to know if we would enjoy serving in the office.  My response was immediate.  As everyone in my family knows,  I'm not much of an office girl. But I said if I was called I would do it and of course anyone coming into the office would feel very welcomed by me.  The next question was if I thought I could do a good job as a nurse.  That received an even more pitiful response.  But Seth tried to make me look good by saying that I had watched over an aged mother for many years and had done a good job.  Then he finally said,  "Well sister Poulsen if you could have your most wanted calling,  what would it be?"  I then said,  "to testify of Christ and His Gospel."
Seth was asked about his various skills and it was mentioned that they needed someone to be a handyman, which of course my husband could do.  Seth said that he definitely could assist with something like that.  He asked him about his service as a high councilman, and what assignments he was given.  Seth felt bad because he couldn't remember that far back, so he shared some experiences as a Bishop.  
He ended with asking Seth to bear his testimony in Spanish.  I could tell that my husband was nervous, but he did a good job and I was so proud of him.  It was a wonderful experience to talk with our President and we look so much forward to being there and finding out our assignments.

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